Circus ID2
Circus ID2
Circus ID

Productiegroep Palestina

Circus ID

Saturday 14:00

Saturday 18:30

duration: 50 min.

access: free without reservation

location: playground 2

In the summer of 2023 Palestinian and Belgian youth created and performed a circus creation together in the West Bank. In the summer of 2024, they will continue to build on their creation in Brussels before showing the final result in five different cities in Belgium.

Their performance is about daring and being able to make your voice heard, human rights, standing up for each other and your own identity. The youngsters show how circus can be a form of resistance and resistance in an oppressive society, and how, with mutual respect, you can use the cultural differences that exist as a source of enrichment and inspiration to hopefully build a better future.


Partner acro, ground acro, juggling, aerial acrobatics.


Young people from the Palestinian circus school and from 6 different circus studios in Belgium.
The Palestinian Circus School and the Belgian circus schools Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles, Cirqu’Conflex, Circus Zonder Handen, Circusplaneet, Circolito and Cirkus in Beweging.



Artistic collaboration 

  • The 6 circus schools: Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelle, Cirqu'Conflex, Circus Zonder Handen, Circolito, Circus in Beweging and Circusplaneet.


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